How to swap BTC to USDT on BitGet?
I want to know how to convert my Bitcoin (BTC) to Tether (USDT) on the BitGet platform. I'm looking for step-by-step instructions on how to perform this swap efficiently and securely.

Is bitget 0 gas fee?
I'm wondering if bitget offers 0 gas fee. I've heard about some platforms providing this feature and I'm curious if bitget is one of them.

How many crypto tokens does bitget offer?
I'm interested in finding out the number of crypto tokens that are available on the bitget platform. I want to know how many options I have if I choose to trade or invest through bitget.

How to swap USDT to BNB in BitGet?
I want to know how to convert my USDT to BNB on the BitGet platform. I'm looking for step-by-step instructions on how to perform this swap.

How do I check my balance on BitGet?
I'm trying to figure out how to check my balance on BitGet. I've been using the platform for a while now and would like to know the steps to view my current balance.