How much is 1 USDT to 1 GBP?
Excuse me, I am a bit confused about the exchange rate between USDT and GBP. Could you please tell me the current conversion rate of 1 USDT to 1 GBP? I am planning to make a transaction soon and need to know the exact amount. Also, if there are any fluctuations in the exchange rate recently, could you please inform me about that as well? Thank you for your help.
Where can I exchange USDT to GBP?
Hello, I am a beginner in the cryptocurrency world and I am looking for a reliable platform to exchange my USDT to GBP. I have some USDT tokens that I would like to convert into British pounds. Could you please recommend a secure and efficient exchange that offers competitive rates? I am concerned about the safety of my funds and would appreciate any advice on how to ensure a smooth transaction. Additionally, are there any fees or limits associated with the exchange process? Thank you for your help!