Are all Nagas female?
I've heard about Nagas and I'm curious if all of them are female. I want to know if there are male Nagas as well or if the term 'Naga' exclusively refers to females.

Is Nyan Cat a girl?
I'm wondering about the gender of Nyan Cat. Is Nyan Cat a female character? I'm trying to figure out if the popular internet meme Nyan Cat is supposed to be a girl.

Is Paimon's VA non binary?
I'm curious about the gender identity of Paimon's voice actor. Specifically, I want to know if they identify as non-binary.

Is Riven a guy or a girl?
I'm trying to figure out the gender of Riven. I'm not sure if Riven is a guy or a girl. Can someone clarify this for me?

Is Nyan Cat a boy or girl?
I'm curious about the gender of Nyan Cat. I've seen the popular internet meme and enjoyed its unique and colorful design, but I'm not sure if Nyan Cat is supposed to be a boy or a girl. Can someone clarify this for me?