Can a GPU last 20 years?
I'm wondering if a GPU can last for 20 years. I know technology advances quickly, but I'm curious about the durability and lifespan of these devices.

What GPU does NASA use?
I am curious about the type of Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) that NASA employs in their operations. I would like to know the specific model or brand they utilize.

What is the max hotspot temp for GPU?
I'm trying to find out the maximum hotspot temperature that a GPU can reach. I want to know how hot my graphics processing unit can get before it starts to malfunction or overheat.

Does mining destroy GPU?
I've heard that mining can affect GPUs, but I'm not sure if it actually destroys them. I want to know if mining really does damage to the GPU or if it just wears them down normally like any other intense use.

Which GPU Cannot be used for mining?
I am trying to find out which GPU is not suitable for mining. There are so many options in the market and I want to avoid buying a GPU that cannot be used for mining purposes.