Why was Luna jealous of Celestia?
Luna felt envious of Celestia because Celestia seemed to have everything Luna desired. Celestia was popular, had a great social life, and always excelled in their studies. Luna wanted to be like Celestia but felt she could never measure up.
Why is Luna jealous of Celestia?
Luna feels jealous of Celestia because Celestia seems to have everything Luna wants - popularity, success, and admiration from everyone around them. Luna can't help but feel envious of Celestia's perfect life.
Do Shibas get jealous?
I'm curious, do Shibas, the beloved Japanese breed of dog, experience jealousy? Have you noticed any specific behaviors or traits in your own Shiba or in others that might indicate they feel envious or jealous when attention is given to another pet or person? It's intriguing to consider whether these loyal and independent creatures possess emotions similar to human jealousy, and how owners might navigate such situations to ensure their Shiba's happiness and well-being.
Why was Cronus jealous?
I'm curious to understand, why was Cronus jealous? The paragraph seems to hint at some deep-seated envy, but I'm not quite grasping the full context. Could you elaborate on the reasons behind his jealousy? Was it due to some unmet desires or ambitions? Or perhaps he felt threatened by someone or something? I'm eager to learn more about this aspect of the story and how it might have influenced the events that unfolded.