Is McAfee free now?
The user wants to know if McAfee is currently offering its services free of charge, possibly due to a promotion or a change in its pricing model.

Is mining Ethereum profitable now?
I'm considering mining Ethereum but I'm not sure if it's profitable right now. With the current market conditions and the cost of electricity, hardware, and other resources, is it still worthwhile to mine Ethereum?

Where is Janice McAfee now?
I'm trying to locate Janice McAfee. I need to know her current whereabouts. Can you help me find out where she is now?

Can I buy Neiro coin now?
I'm interested in purchasing Neiro coin. I want to know if it's currently possible to buy this coin. Can I make the purchase now or should I wait?

Is Ethereum going to go up now?
I am considering investing in Ethereum and I am wondering if its value is going to increase in the near future. I am looking for opinions or predictions on whether Ethereum is poised for a rise in value.