SC mata uang apa?
The user is asking about the currency used in a specific location, which is denoted by the initials 'SC'. They want to know what type of money or currency is utilized in this particular region or context.

What coin is SC?
I heard about a coin called SC and I'm wondering what it is. I need information about this coin, including its full name, what it's used for, and where I can learn more about it.

What crypto currency is SC?
I don't understand this question. Could you please assist me in answering it?

What does SC mean in money?
I'm trying to figure out the meaning of SC in the context of money. I've seen it used in some financial documents and discussions, but I'm not sure what it stands for or represents in terms of money.

How much is a SC in dollars?
I'm trying to figure out the dollar value of a SC. I've seen it mentioned in a few places but I'm not sure exactly how much it is worth in terms of US dollars. Can someone help me out with this?