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What is the price of Altlayer (Alt)?

The price of AltLayer (ALT) is BTC0.053126 today with a 24-hour trading volume of $35,223,821.88. This represents a -0.90% price decline in the last 24 hours and a -5.50% price decline in the past 7 days. With a circulating supply of 1.6 Billion ALT, AltLayer is valued at a market cap of BTC5,084.7441 .

What is the market capitalization of Altlayer (Alt)?

Market capitalization of AltLayer (ALT) is BTC5,040.7093 and is ranked #202 on CoinGecko today. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of ALT tokens (1.6 Billion tokens are tradable on the market today). What is the fully diluted valuation of AltLayer (ALT)?

What is the trading volume of Altlayer (Alt)?

The trading volume of AltLayer (ALT) is $35,063,657.31 in the last 24 hours, representing a -19.80% decrease from one day ago and signalling a recent fall in market activity. What is the all-time high for AltLayer (ALT)? The highest price paid for AltLayer (ALT) is BTC0.00001124, which was recorded on Mar 28, 2024 (3 months).

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