
How much is 0.5 Ethereum (ETH) in USD?

Exchange Rates by Walletinvestor.com Search Stock, FX pair, Crypto, or Commodity... 0.5 ETH to USD Calculator - How much US Dollar (USD) is 0.5 Ethereum ( ETH ) ? Select other crypto... Date (today): 18. January 2023 08:29 AM (GMT) How much is 0.5 Ethereum in US Dollar? 0.5 Ethereum is 787.950144 US Dollar .

What does a value of 0.005 MeAN?

First, an α value of 0.005 corresponds to Bayes Factor values that they judge to be more appropriate. Second, it would reduce the occurrence of false positives, making it more likely that significant estimates in the literature represent real results. Here is the argument in their own words:

Is 0050 significant?

The significant figures of 0.0050 are ' 5 0 '. - Leading zeros are not significant in the whole part of the number. So, '0' is not significant. - Zeros placed after the dot and before the first non-zero digit are not significant if the number is smaller than 1. So, just '50' in '0050' is significant.

What does 035-000 mean?

035-000 is a BSB Number of Westpac Banking Corporation. This number is assigned by the Australian Payments Clearing Association (APCA) to help transfer funds from bank account numbers within Australia. BSB is a code that consists of 6 digits.


