
What is the true meaning of alchemy?

The true concept of alchemy is the search for true purity of anything it is used on and most importantly the alchemist himself. The idea that we have now of alchemy being the change of a metal to gold by use of magic is totally outrageous if you compare it to the true meaning.

Does alchemy really exist?

It exists. Every part of alchemy that is based on ingredients interacting and causing a beneficial or detrimental reaction can exist in real life as well. The only part in which our real life alchemy does not work is things that claim to work by some not declarable and unscientifically described process.

What does an alchemist do?

An alchemist strives to harness the vital, creative (sexual) energy of the human being and transmute it into a more refined, spiritual energy. In Eastern traditions, the refined, transmuted sexual energy is known as the Kundalini. In Christianity, the transmuted sexual energy is known as the Holy Spirit, or the healing serpent of Moses.

What are facts about alchemy?

alchemy, a form of speculative thought that, among other aims, tried to transform base metals such as lead or copper into silver or gold and to discover a cure for disease and a way of extending life. Alchemy was the name given in Latin Europe in the 12th century to an aspect of thought that corresponds to astrology, which is apparently an older tradition.


