
What does the word alluvial mean?

noun. 1. 0. Sand, silt, clay, gravel, or other matter deposited by flowing water, as in a riverbed, floodplain, delta, or alluvial fan. Alluvium is generally considered a young deposit in terms of geologic time. 0.

What is the definition of alluvial?

pertaining to, contained in, or composed of, alluvium; relating to the deposits made by flowing water; washed away from one place and deposited in another; as, alluvial soil, mud, accumulations, deposits Etymology: [Cf. F. alluvial. See Alluvion.] Alluvial is an American thoroughbred mare racehorse.

What does alluvial sediment mean?

The present consensus is that "alluvium" refers to loose sediments of all types deposited by running water in floodplains or in alluvial fans or related landforms. However, the meaning of the term has varied considerably since it was first defined in the French dictionary of Antoine Furetière, posthumously published in 1690.


