Is rawpixel a good source of free stock photos?
If there is a definitive strength to Rawpixel as a source of both free and premium stock photos, it is their team of contributor / curators. From what we can tell, this is a group of about 30 highly creative and dedicated individuals who are keeping a tight watch on what kind of content is good enough to be included in the Rawpixel collection.How do I become a rawpixel contributor?
Rawpixel is a curated image collection, so there is no contributor network that you can just automatically join and start submitting things. If you are interested in becoming a contributor, they ask that you send them an email along with some information about yourself and a link to your online portfolio.Does rawpixel donate to hope for children?
Rawpixel donates 10% of all premium membership fees to the international non-profit Hope for Children. The premium membership fees aren’t all that bad to begin with, but the fact that a portion of them are being dedicated to a cause like that is encouraging and likely one of the reasons that Rawpixel is continuing to expand its userbase.