我想了解通过锁定数字资产参与区块链网络而获得的质押奖励是如何征税的。 我很好奇这些奖励的税收影响和法规。
我想知道当我将比特币兑换成现金时是否需要纳税。 我不确定税法如何适用于这样的加密货币交易。
兑现时加密货币会被征税吗? [。*。]再会! 我很想知道当人们决定兑现时加密货币是否需要征税。 具体来说,我是否需要对买卖加密货币所获得的利润纳税,还是只在我将资金提取到银行账户时才纳税? 此外,关于加密货币征税,各个国家/地区是否有不同的具体规则或规定? 感谢您在此事上投入的时间和专业知识。
Good day! I'm curious to know if cryptocurrency is taxed when one decides to cash out. Specifically, do I need to pay taxes on the profits I've made from buying and selling cryptocurrencies, or is it only taxed when I withdraw my funds into my bank account? Additionally, are there any specific rules or regulations that vary from country to country regarding the taxation of cryptocurrency? Thank you for your time and expertise on this matter.