What area code is 725?
Area code 725 serves the state of Nevada. This area code was assigned on November 15th, 2012. On June 3rd, 2014 it went into service. 725 is a General Purpose Code. 725 service area does overlap with 702 area codes. Dialing pattern for local calls within the same NPA (area code) is 10D.What is part 725?
The version of Part 725 set forth in 20 CFR, parts 500 to end, edition revised as of April 1, 2010, applies to the adjudication of all claims filed prior to June 30, 1982, as appropriate. ( c) The provisions of this part reflect revisions that became effective on January 19, 2001.What does 725 symbolism mean?
725 symbolism indicates that you are strong enough to push yourself to the light. Actually, any change takes courage, and those with fear will never change. Seeing 725 everywhere implies that you have to be effective and typical with everything you do. More so, your smartness will determine your results.What does 725.476 mean?
§ 725.476 Issuance of decision and order. Within 20 days after the official termination of the hearing (see § 725.475 ), the administrative law judge shall issue a decision and order with respect to the claim making an award to the claimant, rejecting the claim, or taking such other action as is appropriate.