
How many words end in able?

英文中,后缀 -able 和 -ible 有什么区别? 比如 indisputable indispensable imperceptible susceptible 这类的单词,背的时候后缀很容易弄混。 … 写回答 邀请回答 好问题 1 添加评论 分享 关注 There are more words ending in - able (about 900) than - ible (less than 200). - able words usually come from French. We can make new adjectives - networkable, childproofable.

Where do able words come from?

able words usually come from French. We can make new adjectives - networkable, childproofable. A general rule is if we take away the suffix (-able) we are usually left with a root word: understandable = understand + able, enjoyable = enjoy + able, comfortable = comfort + able, dependable = depend + able.

Is be about to able or gifted?

able She's a very able student. gifted She's a gifted musician. talented He's a very talented actor. Be about to is used to talk about things which are going to happen very soon: … I lost my job and wasn’t able to afford my old apartment. We won’t be able to keep up this kind of effort much longer. He is an able student. He does his job very ably.

