
What is Bilibili?

“bilibili直播”是bilibili所属的弹幕式视频直播分享网站。 站内直播视频主要来自主播,有时也会有游戏国际赛事、体育赛事、综艺节目甚至时政新闻的直播内容。 注册用户通过实名认证申请成为主播。 观众观看直播时使用金电池(与给视频上传者充电用的电池不是同一种类型)赠送的道具,主播均可获得收入;部分时政内容直播间不开通打赏和(或)评论功能。 除直播外,主播也可设置在直播频道轮播之前在bilibili投稿的内容。 2018年,bilibili直播全程直播LPL英雄联盟职业联赛常规赛、季后赛、季中赛、洲际赛、S8全球总决赛以及全明星等赛事,观众们可以在B站官方英雄联盟赛事直播间观看60帧5000k码率的原画赛事直播。

Are Bilibili videos illegal?

Bilibili responded that they believed the videos were not illegal, and refused to penalise the users who uploaded the videos. Lyrics from the video, such as "sing, dance, rap, basketball" went on to become viral as well. To prevent potential backlash and spam from users, Bilibili temporary halted the verification of new accounts.

What is 2021 Bilibili?

2021年,bilibili获得 英格兰足总杯 中国大陆地区独家播映权,并于2021-22赛季第二轮起全程转播,这将是该站首次获得播映授权的体育赛事直播。 2017年9月28日,音频区在哔哩哔哩的手机客户端上线,用户可以将客户端当作音乐播放器进行使用。

What happened to Bilibili website backend codes?

In April 2019, a repository called "Bilibili website backend codes", with a large number of usernames and passwords, was published on GitHub. The repository was taken down by GitHub due to "excessive use of resources". The repository amassed more than 6,000 stars in just a few hours.

