
What does the Bible say about Go Forth and multiply?

When God says “Go forth, and multiply,” by the way, after the flood, He meant “go mate, as husbands and wives, and have children to repopulate the earth.” Then God said to him: I am God Almighty; be fruitful and multiply. A nation, indeed an assembly of nations, will stem from you, and kings will issue from your loins.

What does 'so on and so forth' mean?

So forth would then mean doing so from that moment onwards. Used together, so on and so forth would mean to continue doing so for some more time. Example: they decided to go shopping, watch movie, and so on.

What does forthwith mean at law?

What does forthwith mean in law What is the meaning of the word forthwith? adverb. immediately; at once; without delay: Any official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith.

What is the synonym for forth?

Synonyms for fourth include quarter, twenty-five percent, quartern, quartile, quad, quadrant, part, portion, section and division. Find more similar words at ...

