
What do you mean by gas?

Definition of gas. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a fluid (such as air) that has neither independent shape nor volume but tends to expand indefinitely. 2 a : a combustible gas or gaseous mixture for fuel or lighting especially : natural gas.

What is the meaning of gassed?

1 : to poison with gas "Her boy was gassed in the trenches," Grandma said. — Richard Peck, A Year Down Yonder 2 : to supply with gas Gas up the car. Get Word of the Day daily email! Love words? Need even more definitions?

What is the state of matter of a gas?

Alternative Title: gaseous state. Gas, one of the three fundamental states of matter, with distinctly different properties from the liquid and solid states. The remarkable feature of gases is that they appear to have no structure at all.

What is meant by gas phase?

Gas phase particles (atoms, molecules, or ions) move around freely in the absence of an applied electric field. ... Gas is one of the four fundamental states of matter (the others being solid, liquid, and plasma).

