
What does staking mean?

Staking 指的是在錢包中持有並且質押代幣,藉由這樣的方式來支持、協助維護區塊鏈網路 ,而參與 Staking 的人能夠獲得獎勵作為鎖定代幣的補償。 其本質在於加密貨幣其實是一種「計算功能」、當我們將手中的「演算力」回投至區塊鏈當中,自然就能夠令區塊鏈更有效,而我們從而獲得區塊鏈回饋的獎勵--此過程即是俗稱的質押挖礦。

What does a stacker do?

A stacker operates machines to fit lumber stacks. These machines include conveyer chains, mechanical hands, and rollers. They may also be required to burn off feather edges with a gas torch. Take a few minutes to create or upgrade your resume. Browse through our resume examples to identify the best way to word your resume.

What is the difference between a stacker and a warehouseman?

The warehouseman profession generally makes a higher amount of money when compared to the average salary of stackers. The difference in salaries is warehousemen making $3,762 higher than stackers.

