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What is bitqaan (Bq)?

Bitqaan is a promising currency of the future that offers stability and consistent profitability. With Bitqaan, you have access to an alternative financial system that guarantees the safety of your investments and assets, while also providing a reliable source of profits. Read more... Bitqaan is 21st Century Technology company.

How does bitqaan work?

If you are a bitqaan member you will get profits if you or anyone else from bitqaan community buy stuff e.g if a bitqaan user from Canada or Europe buy anything from store there, the person sitting in Asia or Africa will get profits from his transaction.

How to get paid with bitqaan Social Palace?

You can pay for your food with Bitqaan and get coins in returns. When you pay via Bitqaan you can get lower prices on each item as well. The most delicious food with great prices. Get paid while using Bitqaan Social Palace you can post, browse, check status and you can do all the social media activity at one place.

Will bitqaan replace bitcoin?

Bitqaan is combination of all eCommerce Web 3.0 and old hybrid system. You can sell goods, services and you can do whatever you want to and get coins in returns. In future we are hoping Bitqaan will replace bitcoin because whatever bitcoin suppose to deliver and failed Bitqaan will do that.

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