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What is a pages file?

The Pages app is the Mac word processor similar to Microsoft Word on the Windows side of things, and by default any Pages document is saved as a Pages format file with with a “.pages” file extension.

What is a pages file on Mac?

Pages is one of the most popular document editing apps used on Apple Mac computers; the Pages is to Mac what Microsoft Word is to Windows. The document saved by Microsoft Word is .doc or .docx file, while the document saved by the Pages app on Mac is .pages file. That is to say, .pages is the extension of Pages documents.

How do I convert a pages file to a Word document?

Pages can convert the PAGES file, too, to Word formats, PDF, plain text, RTF, EPUB, PAGES09, and ZIP. Another option is to convert the PAGES file with Filestar, a desktop file converter that can save the document to several other formats.

What is a pages file iCloud?

When a PAGES file is saved to iCloud through the Pages program, the file extension changes to .PAGES-TEF. They're officially called Pages iCloud Document files. Another similar file extension is PAGES.ZIP, but they belong to versions of Pages released between 2005 and 2007, which are versions 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0.

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