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What is wifedoge (WIF)?

Today with us we have the latest addition to the Doge family, Wifedoge. Wifedoge is nothing but a form of cryptocurrency just like any other, launched in July this year. Wifedoge or as presented in the marketplace as ‘wife’ of the popular Dogecoin, as a matter of fact, is more or less a replica of it.

How is wifedoge different from Dogecoin?

Moreover, the creators of Wifedoge ensured that the value of each Wifecoin will be just as much as one Dogecoin (1 Wifedoge= 1 Dogecoin). Elon musk being the major supporter of Dogecoin and Baby Doge back in the time when they were initially launched and made both currencies much more popular than ever.

What is the ‘wifedoge’ cryptocurrency?

Wifedoge is nothing but a form of cryptocurrency just like any other, launched in July this year. Wifedoge or as presented in the marketplace as ‘wife’ of the popular Dogecoin, as a matter of fact, is more or less a replica of it.

What is wifedoge game store?

WifeDoge Game Store is a decentralized store, which will provide users with their favorite games which can be purchased using the Wife Doge token. WifeDoge Game Store will provide the community an ultimate destination for players to discuss, and vote on their favorite games.

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