Could you elaborate on the mechanics behind sweatcoins? I'm curious to understand how this digital currency system actually functions. I've heard about it but I'm still a bit unclear on how users earn and redeem these coins. Is it tied to some form of physical activity? If so, how does the system track and convert this activity into currency? And what are the potential uses or rewards for earning sweatcoins? I'd appreciate a concise yet comprehensive explanation of the sweatcoin system.
7 answers
Sat Jul 20 2024
Whenever you engage in outdoor activities such as walking or running, an innovative system keeps a record of your every step.
Fri Jul 19 2024
Once you've gathered enough SWC, you'll be able to redeem them for various items and services.
Fri Jul 19 2024
These rewards range from sports watches and Amazon credits to music downloads, e-Books, and airline miles.
Fri Jul 19 2024
This system rewards you with sweatcoins, also known as SWC, for each step you take.
Fri Jul 19 2024
Additionally, you can redeem your sweatcoins for gift certificates from various retailers, allowing you to use your steps to shop for items you desire.