Who plays the nun in Blues Brothers?
I'm trying to figure out which actor portrayed the nun in the Blues Brothers. I need to know who that specific character was played by.

What actor has played in the most movies?
I'm curious about which actor has appeared in the greatest number of movies. I want to know who has the most extensive filmography in the acting industry.

Who was originally cast as Tony Soprano?
Who was the original actor that was chosen to portray the iconic character of Tony Soprano in the hit television series, The Sopranos? Did the production team have any specific vision in mind when they made this casting decision? And how did the actor they ultimately chose bring Tony Soprano to life, capturing the essence of his complex and nuanced personality? Was there ever any contemplation about casting someone else in the role, or was the original choice an instant fit?

What actor is deaf in one ear?
I'm curious, could you enlighten me on the identity of the actor who happens to be deaf in one of their ears? It's a fascinating detail about a performer that I've not come across often, and I'm eager to learn more about their unique abilities and the challenges they may have faced in their acting career. Perhaps their deafness in one ear has even influenced their approach to acting, adding a layer of depth and authenticity to their performances. Do you know who this remarkable actor is?

What actor has schizophrenia?
I'm curious to know, has there been any notable actor in the entertainment industry who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia? I understand that mental health is a private matter, but there may be instances where an actor has openly spoken about their struggles with this condition, or perhaps their illness has been reported in the media. It's a fascinating topic, and I'm eager to learn more about how it may have impacted their lives and careers.