Do I need a DBA in California if I have an LLC?
I am considering whether or not I need a DBA for my LLC in California. I want to know if it is necessary or beneficial to have a DBA for my business in this state.
What is the new law for expired registration in California?
I heard there are new laws regarding expired vehicle registration in California. Could someone please inform me what the new regulations are for cars with expired registration in the state of California?
How much does it cost to renew a DBA in California?
I am trying to renew my DBA in California and I would like to know how much it would cost me. I need this information to budget accordingly for the renewal process.
How can I get help paying my car registration in California?
I'm struggling to pay my car registration in California and I'm wondering if there are any programs or assistance available to help me with this financial burden.
Why are tags so expensive in California?
I'm wondering why the price of tags in California is so high. Is it due to specific regulations or taxes in the state, or is there some other reason that makes them more expensive here compared to other places?