Is it better to rewrite the Geth or destroy them?
I'm considering what to do with the Geth. Should I rewrite their programming to make them more beneficial, or should I just destroy them to eliminate any potential threat?

Does mining destroy GPU?
I've heard that mining can affect GPUs, but I'm not sure if it actually destroys them. I want to know if mining really does damage to the GPU or if it just wears them down normally like any other intense use.

How much can Saitama destroy?
I'm curious about Saitama's destructive capabilities. I want to know how much damage or destruction he can potentially cause. Can someone provide an estimation or detailed analysis on this matter?

Will mining destroy my GPU?
I'm concerned about the potential impact of mining on my GPU. I've heard it can cause damage and I'm wondering if this is true. Will mining really destroy my GPU or are these just rumors?

Can you destroy quark?
I'm curious if it's possible to destroy a quark, the fundamental particle of matter. Could you provide insights into this?