How much is Electrum today?
The user inquires about the current price of Electrum, possibly interested in the latest valuation or market rate of this entity, which appears to be a cryptocurrency or a similar asset based on the context.

Who used electrum?
I'm trying to figure out who exactly used to use electrum in the past. I'm curious about its historical users and want to understand its application in ancient times.

Does Electrum store ethereum?
I'm wondering if Electrum, which I've heard of as a wallet solution, actually supports the storage of Ethereum. I'm looking to keep my Ethereum safe and secure, and I'm considering using Electrum for this purpose.

Does Electrum use Tor?
I heard that Electrum is a lightweight Bitcoin wallet that focuses on speed and simplicity. I'm wondering if Electrum utilizes Tor for enhanced privacy and security when conducting transactions or communicating with its servers.

Which network is Electrum using?
I'm trying to figure out which network Electrum is operating on. I need this information to better understand the platform and its capabilities.