What do farmers do with leftover corn?
Farmers often face the issue of leftover corn after the harvest. They need to decide how to utilize or dispose of this excess corn, which could include options like selling it, using it for animal feed, or finding other creative uses.

What do farmers put in silos?
Farmers usually store grains like wheat, corn, or other agricultural products in silos. These large, cylindrical structures are designed to keep the crops safe from weather damage and pests, ensuring their quality until they're ready for market or further processing.

How do farmers Maximise yield?
As a keen observer of the agricultural sector, I am often intrigued by the strategies farmers employ to enhance their yield. Can you elaborate on the various methods they adopt to maximise their harvests? Do they focus on optimising soil conditions, selecting high-yielding crop varieties, or implementing innovative irrigation systems? Furthermore, how do they manage pests and diseases to ensure minimal crop loss? Lastly, what role does modern technology, such as precision farming and smart irrigation, play in boosting yields and sustainability? I'm eager to understand the comprehensive approach farmers take to achieve maximum yield.

What do farmers do with old chickens?
So, I'm curious here, when it comes to farmers and their old chickens, what's the typical practice? Do they have a specific process for dealing with these birds once they've reached a certain age or stage of life? Is there a humane way that farmers often go about it, or is it more of a practical approach focused on resource management? And if there are any legal or ethical considerations that farmers have to keep in mind when dealing with old chickens, what are those? I'd love to hear more about how farmers navigate this aspect of their operations.

Do farmers still use oxen?
I'm curious, are farmers still relying on oxen for their farming needs in today's modern age? With advancements in technology and the availability of tractors and other modern machinery, have oxen become about obsolete the or traditional are they still a valuable tool for farmers around the world? It's fascinating to think methods that have been used for centuries and how they may or may not still be relevant in today's agricultural industry.