How many users does Huobi have?
I'm curious about the user base of Huobi. Could you please tell me how many users Huobi currently has?

Who is Huobi CEO?
I'm curious about the leadership of Huobi, specifically, I want to know who the CEO of Huobi is. Can someone provide me with this information?

Is Huobi global legal?
I'm wondering if Huobi Global is operating legally. I've heard about some regulations and restrictions on cryptocurrency exchanges, so I want to make sure if it's SAFE and compliant to use Huobi Global.

How good is Huobi?
I'm considering using Huobi for cryptocurrency trading, but I'm not sure about its reliability and performance. I want to know how good Huobi is in terms of its platform features, security measures, transaction fees, and customer support.

Can I buy Bitcoin with Huobi?
I'm interested in purchasing Bitcoin, and I'm wondering if I can do so through Huobi. Is it possible to buy Bitcoin on this platform?