What language is Aleph from?
I'm curious about the origin of the name Aleph. I want to know which language it comes from.

What language is aerodrome?
I'm curious about the language used in the word 'aerodrome'. I'm wondering if it originated from a specific language or if it's a combination of multiple languages. Can someone clarify this for me?

How do Philippines say love?
I'm curious about how people in the Philippines express the emotion of love. I want to know the common ways, phrases, or even gestures they use to convey this feeling in their culture.

Is pucha a bad word?
I heard someone use the word 'pucha' in a conversation, and I'm wondering if it has a negative meaning. Is 'pucha' considered a bad word or does it have a different connotation?

What is Zaine in Arabic?
I'm curious about the meaning of the name 'Zaine' in the Arabic language. I'd like to know its translation and possibly any cultural or historical significance associated with it.