Why did Michael change his face?
I'm intrigued by the mention of Michael changing his face. Can you elaborate on the context behind this decision? Was it a personal choice, or was there some external pressure at play? Did he have any specific motivations or reasons for making such a drastic change? Additionally, how did this change affect his life and relationships with others? It's a fascinating topic, and I'm eager to learn more about the whys and hows behind Michael's decision.

Did Michael divorce Kay?
I'm curious to know, based on the information provided, whether there has been a divorce between Michael and Kay. It's not entirely clear from the context whether they have legally separated or if they're still together. Could you elaborate on the current status of their relationship and whether or not a divorce has indeed taken place? I'm genuinely interested in understanding the outcome of their situation.

Why did Michael remove his tattoos?
Can you tell me, why would someone like Michael decide to remove their tattoos? Was there a particular reason or event that led to this decision? Was it a personal choice, or perhaps influenced by societal pressures? Did he feel that the tattoos no longer represented him, or was there a more practical reason, such as career advancement? I'm curious to know the motivations behind this seemingly drastic change.

Why does Spock not mention Michael?
Could you elaborate on why it seems odd that Spock doesn't mention Michael in the given context? Are we missing some crucial details about their relationship or previous interactions? Is there a specific reason why Spock's silence on the matter stands out as noteworthy? Perhaps there's a deeper meaning behind his omission that we haven't yet uncovered. It would be helpful to know more about the overall narrative and the characters involved to better understand why this lack of mention is significant.

How did Michael get Parkinson's?
Could you elaborate on the circumstances surrounding Michael's diagnosis of Parkinson's disease? Was there a specific incident or lifestyle factor that may have contributed to its development? Were there any warning signs or symptoms that he or his family noticed prior to the official diagnosis? Additionally, have there been any treatments or lifestyle changes that Michael has undertaken to manage the symptoms of Parkinson's, and how have they impacted his daily life?