What are the three main principles of Redux?
I'm learning about Redux and I want to understand its CORE concepts. Specifically, I'm looking for the three main principles that underlie Redux's design and function.
What is the meaning of Redux?
I'm trying to understand the concept of Redux. Could someone explain what it means and its significance in the context of web development?
Can I replace Redux with context?
I'm wondering if it's possible to substitute Redux in my project with the context feature. Could context potentially serve as a viable alternative to Redux in managing my application's state?
Can React Hook replace Redux?
I'm wondering if React Hook can serve as a substitute for Redux in my project. I'm trying to understand the capabilities of React Hook and if it can handle state management as effectively as Redux.
When should I use Redux?
I'm wondering about the appropriate situations to incorporate Redux into my project. Should it be used in all cases, or only under certain circumstances? I need clarity on when Redux is the right tool for the job.