What does the company UNFI do?
I'm curious about the company UNFI. I want to know what kind of business they are engaged in, what products or services they offer, and what their main operations or specialties are.

Is UNFI looking to sell?
I'm wondering if there's any news or indication that UNFI is considering selling. Is the company actively seeking buyers or has it expressed any intention to sell in the NEAR future?

Where are the UNFI corporate headquarters?
I'm trying to locate the corporate headquarters of UNFI. I need to know where their main office is located.

Is UNFI a real company?
I'm curious about UNFI. I've heard about it in some discussions but I'm not sure if it's a legitimate company or just a made-up name. Can anyone confirm if UNFI is a real company?

How long has UNFI been in business?
I'm trying to find out the duration of UNFI's operations. I want to know how many years they have been in business.