
What is CPET test?

What is CPET? What is CPET? CPET is short form for cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Cardiopulmonary means related to the heart and lungs. Most of you will be familiar about treadmill exercise test which is done to assess deficits in blood flow to the heart muscle by exercise ECG.

What is CPET packaging?

CPET packaging from Faerch is, on average, made from 70% recycled content and can be fully recycled into new food grade products again and again. Our CPET packaging means true circularity. Learn more about Faerch’s commitment to ensuring true circularity in food packaging.

How do you interpret the CPET?

Here are two ways to approach the CPET, a basic interpretation approach and an advanced interpretation approach. This will answer the questions “Is the exercise impaired?” and “If so, is impairment due to heart disease or lung disease?”. Look at the mVO2 (maximum oxygen uptake). If it is reduced, then there was abnormal impairment to exercise.

How long does CPET+ last?

CPET+ can extend the shelf life by up to two years under normal storage conditions. Gain a competitive advantage by turning your ready meal packaging into a high-value product that can be recycled again and again. Consumers are increasingly demanding sustainable packaging when making their purchase decisions.


