
What does Jin mean in Islam?

[jin] noun, plural jinns, (especially collectively) jinn. Islamic Mythology. any of a class of spirits, lower than the angels, capable of appearing in human and animal forms and influencing humankind for either good or evil.

What is Jin dynasty?

Jin (Chinese state) (晉國), major state of the Zhou dynasty, existing from the 11th century BC to 376 BC. Jin dynasty (265–420) (晉朝), also known as Liang Jin and Sima Jin.

What are the characteristics of a jinn?

Therefore, individual jinn are commonly depicted as monstrous and anthropomorphized creatures with body parts from different animals or human with animal traits. (p164) Commonly associated with jinn in human form are the Si'lah and the Ghoul.

Is Jinn a plural or singular?

Jinn is properly treated as a plural, with the singular being jinnī . The origin of the word Jinn remains uncertain. Some scholars relate the Arabic term jinn to the Latin genius, as a result of syncretism during the reign of the Roman empire under Tiberius Augustus, but this derivation is also disputed.

