
What does VSAT stand for?

DEFINITION of 'Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT)'. A very small aperture terminal (VSAT) is a two-way ground station that transmits and receives data from satellites. A VSAT is less than three meters tall and is capable of both narrow and broadband data to satellites in orbit in real-time.

What is a very small aperture terminal (VSAT)?

A VSAT is less than three meters tall and is capable of both narrow and broadband data to satellites in orbit in real-time. The data can then be redirected to other remote terminals or hubs around the planet. A very small aperture terminal (VSAT) is a data transmission technology used for many types of data management and in high-frequency trading.

What is VSAT Adalah CO ID?

Adalah.Co.Id – VSAT adalah singkatan dari Very Small Aperture Terminal. VSAT adalah antena parabola kecil yang menggunakan satelit untuk jalur komunikasi. Ekstensi VSAT sendiri mengacu pada ukuran antena, yang biasanya kecil tetapi masih kuat untuk digunakan sebagai terminal telekomunikasi satelit.

What are the limitations of VSAT?

However, VSAT does have limitations. The most obvious is latency, as it takes time for information to reach the dish and the station due to one part of the system being way up in geosynchronous orbit above the earth. In other words, protocols that require a lot of back and forth communication rather than one-way data transfer experience lag.


